January 13th, 2025

The article of justification is a master and prince over all types of doctrine, and it rules every conscience and the church

- Martin Luther

I Like St. Luke's…
Because we have a wonderful congregation of people who truly love and care for one another.

Thelma P.

St. Luke’s Lutheran Church
5150 Wilson Street
La Mesa, California 91942

(619) 463-6633
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Worship Services

Sunday at 9:00 am
Traditional Services:
First, Third, and Fifth Sundays
Contemporary Services:
Second and Fourth Sundays

Nursery Provided - St. Luke's offers a professionally staffed nursery during worship services and Bible classes. The nursery is located downstairs from the sanctuary.

Bible Study Opportunities

Genuinely Lutheran - Sunday School for all ages
10:30-11:15 am (September through June)

Rebekah Circle - 12:30 pm on second Tuesday of the month in Church Library

Deborah Circle - 10:00 am on third Thursday of the month

Except as otherwise noted,
All Material Contained in this site © St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, La Mesa, CA

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