February 13th, 2025

Jesus said: The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest

- Luke 10:2

I Like St. Luke's…
Because I feel blessed to be part of a church which is deeply concerned about the spiritual and physical health of its members.

Betty W.

St. Luke’s Lutheran Church
5150 Wilson Street
La Mesa, California 91942

(619) 463-6633
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St. Luke’s sponsors these organizations

Bon Samaritan

A non-profit, 501c3, faith-based mission dedicated to helping the country of Haiti with its five greatest needs; Faith in Jesus Christ, Health Care, Food, Housing for Children in Need, and Education.

Gideons International
Spreading the Good News

Heifer International
In FY2008, Heifer had 869 active projects in 53 countries/provinces and 27 U.S. states. Heifer projects around the world help families achieve self-reliance through the gift of livestock and training. Gifts are passed from recipient to recipient until entire communities are transformed.

LAMP - Lutheran Association of Missionaries & Pilots, Inc.
LAMP -- Lutheran Association of Missionaries and Pilots, is a non-profit organization located in Edmonton, Alberta, with a US office in New Haven, Michigan. The organization has been providing spiritual witness and nurture in communities in northern remote areas of Canada for over 35 years, through the ministry of pastor/pilots, and short and long-term volunteers-in-mission. LAMP presently works in 60 communities, teaching Vacation Bible School, youth and adult Bible study, and leading soccer camps in the summer months. This year over 4,000 children, youth and adults were impacted by the ministry of LAMP staff and volunteers.

Lutheran Bible Translators
Lutheran Bible Translators (LBT) is an independent Lutheran mission organization dedicated to helping bring people to faith in Jesus Christ.
We strive to do this through our missionaries and staff, who work to make the Word of God available to those who do not yet have it in the language of their hearts.
We have been advancing this mission since 1964.

Lutheran Border Concerns Ministry
1. HELP people who live south of the border, including both spiritual and material needs.
2. INFORM people who live north of the border about the spiritual and physical needs of their sisters and brothers to the south.
3. ENCOURAGE Christian congregations in the USA to meet their mission opportunities to share the Gospel with Hispanic people in their own neighborhoods.

Lutheran World Relief
Every day in 35 countries, Lutheran World Relief works to combat the causes of poverty and the dignity it robs from people’s lives. We advocate for Fair Trade that helps farming families and artisans earn a better income. We teach people to better care for themselves, their communities and the environment. We teach people how to be less vulnerable to natural disasters. We advocate with and for them for policy change that more fairly represents them. We counsel them after manmade and natural disasters, and help them recover with material aid. We do all of this exclusively with partners from the communities we serve. Our partners help us remain incredibly efficient and effective. Our partners let us help people help themselves…for a day when they won’t need us at all.

Mexican Medical Ministries
We work with ministry sites, clinics and sister hospitals located primarily in Baja California, Mexico. Our ministries include meeting the medical and spiritual needs of those with limited access to health care in developing communities, migrant camps, and isolated ranches. Our outreaches include community health education; health screenings; dental, medical and vision consultations; and surgical teams. We work alongside local churches in helping them to fulfill their ministry vision. Our goal is to share the Gospel with everyone who comes to see us for medical assistance. We have short- and long- term mission opportunities for medical as well as non-medical volunteers.

Mission Aviation Fellowship
Our Mission: Sharing the love of Jesus Christ through aviation and technology so that isolated people may be physically and spiritually transformed.

San Diego Rescue Mission
San Diego Rescue Mission is a non-profit homeless shelter and recovery center serving thousands of homeless, hungry, and poor men, women, and children in San Diego since 1955.

Third Avenue Charitable Organization (TACO)
With a long history of outreach ministry since its founding in 1888, First Lutheran's most recent outreach ministry began in the 1970s, when a group of church members began serving bread every Friday to the homeless and urban poor.

Plus Empty Bowls an international project to fight hunger.

Today, the church provides much more than meals. Since 1997, the program has expanded to include free medical, dental and acupuncture clinics at the church building, as well as free mental health counseling services and a community law project.

Except as otherwise noted,
All Material Contained in this site © St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, La Mesa, CA

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